Replaygain Download



ReplayGain DSP

For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. The ReplayGain (RG) value you get when scanning is a measure of what change is needed to bring the track or album to an average loudness of 89 dB. This relatively quiet target level is the loudness of a reference pink noise signal, and is about what you will find many pop CDs were mastered at in the 1980s and early 1990s.

By: Case

ReplaygainFoobar2000 replaygain downloadReplaygain

Foobar2000 Replaygain Download

Alternative ReplayGain implementation with support for smarter automatic mode selection. Automatic mode selection doesn't rely solely on the active playback mode but also analyses the playlist contents. If the source track doesn't have ReplayGain data the component tries to scan the loudness during buffering. Includes optional custom compressor as one method to prevent clipping.
The component does not include ReplayGain scanner. The original ReplayGain scanner component is required for regular ReplayGain scanning and for the automatic loudness estimation to work.
When using this component the native ReplayGain needs to be manually disabled (processing set to none).

Replaygain Audacity Download

Current version: 0.2.6, released on 2021-03-27

Change log:

Replay Gain Software

  • Opening configuration window reverted -14 LUFS target loudness to default because of incorrect range check. Replaced 'experimental' in the name with 'alternative'.

Works with foobar2000 v1.4 alpha and newer


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