Mastadex%27s Hero Editor Diablo 1


Hero Editor is used for editing Diablo II LOD and NOX. How to Use Hero Editor: 1) From Options Tab, make desired selections (leave at default values initially) 2) Click OPEN button and select a Character file 3) Select other Tabs to View/Change Character Attributes 4) From Inventory Tab, Move/Import/Export Items (Click to move/copy, Right Click for menu). Mastadex Hero Editor Can anyone give me the link to Mastadex Hero Editor? I've looked everywhere for it and i can't find it!!! Thanks for anything you can do. Jan 16, 2017 The editor currently works with Diablo 1.09 (either the final original version or the GOG version). Please note that if you are using the GOG exe, it will not work with the 'updated' exe provided by GOG, only the original exe (as also provided by GOG). Mastadex's Hero Editor Diablo 1 Never got to play it, D2 was already out by the time I got into pc gaming and D2 itself was such an incredible game that I never thought about playing the first one, even though the lore was the main thing that captivated me. 2 days ago I randomly found out about the hd mod and thought wth, let's give it a whirl.

06-10-2015, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 08:33 PM by quixotic-cynic.)

Mastadex's Hero Editor Diablo 1

Mastadex%27s Hero Editor Diablo 1Mastadex%27s Hero Editor Diablo 1

Mastadex's Hero Editor Diablo 1 2

Mastadex%27s Hero Editor Diablo 1Editor

Mastadex's Hero Editor Diablo 1 Walkthrough

Version 0.2 is available at Nexusmods:
To use, put the .bat, .sh and .jar files next to your Diablo.exe then run the .bat. If you have Java installed (you need the Java JRE) it will launch the editor.
To use the editor:
1. Make some simple changes
2. Click 'Cache changes' after the edits (this will remember the changes, otherwise switching entities will discard your edits)
3. Click File -> Save
4. Load up DiabloModded.exe
I would advise backing up all characters before you use a modded exe. Some of the edits the editor permits you to make will result in a non-functional modded exe. To find out which edits will work, refer to
I hope you enjoy using the editor.
Any suggestions for improvements can be sent to firstname at lastname dot me dot uk where firstname and lastname are my first and last names respectively (see -- or simply post here!
Original post:
Hello all,
Since this seems to be the most active Diablo forum in existence I thought I would post this here.
I am making an editor for Diablo.
My motivation/reasoning is as follows:
1) A lot of people seem to want Mod X or Mod Y +/- a few adjustments.
2) The editor will act as a repository of knowledge for the diablo community (both users and modders, though Jarulf's guide caters better for users).
3) I wanted to make a mod but couldn't decide what to make.
4) Editing in a hex editor makes my eyes bleed.
I have a working version at the moment, but you will need basic Java skills to make use of it (and, preferably, Eclipse). V1 is more of a 'toolkit' than a full editor.
A later version will have a full GUI.
I am looking for interested parties to (1) make mods using the editor and (2) provide more memory locations/routine modifications that I can include in the editor.
I'll post more if anyone is interested. I'm happy to answer questions/accept input.
I'm also interested in collaborating to produce an annotated ASM file. I've already made a start but there are 200,000 lines of code so it is a big project.
Thanks & regards,