Install Brew Macos Catalina


(This is a reminder to myself, and maybe a help for someone else who might be in the same situation as me. The purpose was to be able to lint documentation I’m trying to update for the pip project work.)

  1. Brew Install Openssl Mac Catalina
  2. How To Install Brew On Catalina
  3. Macos Catalina Brew Install
  4. Macos Catalina Brew Install Java
  1. Install using Homebrew. Homebrew is the preferred package manager for macOS. Install PowerShell via Direct Download; Install from binary archives. After installing PowerShell, you should install OpenSSL. OpenSSL is needed for PowerShell remoting and CIM operations. Installation of latest stable release via Homebrew on macOS 10.13 or higher.
  2. Installing MongoDB on Mac (Catalina and non-Catalina) 14th Feb 2020. I had to reconfigure my Macbook after sending it for repairs. During the reconfiguration period, I noticed the instructions I linked to in “Setting up a local MongoDB connection” were outdated.

Brew Install Openssl Mac Catalina

Homebrew is an open-source package manager for macOS that offers an easy way to install software and tolls through the command line. If you are a coder, developer, Terminal lover, or more tech-savvy than an average Mac user, you can use Homebrew to simplify software installation on your Mac.

This applies to installing “the latest” Python on Mac OS X 10.15.6.

I’ve used this helpful How-TO. Everything worked until the very end where brew couldn’t create a necessary directory:

(no idea why!)

I reran install python and got:

Solution (hack?)

How To Install Brew On Catalina

The solution was to create the /usr/local/Framworks directory manually:

Then change the owner and group to mirror other directories (bernard:admin)

And finally run the brew link command from above:

And then I could start what I wanted to actually do. 🙂

if you do not have brew installed on your mac, Install homebrew on your mac by running the following command on your Terminal.

Install kafka in MacOS Catalina

First install openjdk 8 using brew cask and then install kakfa.

When the installation completes, It will show you something like below

Start zookeeper & kafka as a service

Stop zookeeper & kafka service

If you do not want to run kafka & zookeeper as a service use below commands

If you face any error in starting kafka, you will have configure listeners in /usr/local/etc/kafka/ config file,

uncomment and change the values like below

Macos Catalina Brew Install

Check if kafka is functioning properly

Create test topic
Install Brew Macos Catalina
Start kafka consumer console
Start kafka producer console

Macos Catalina Brew Install Java

Once the producer starts enter any message and press enter.